Monday, May 3, 2010

What is it about turtles???

This is the time of year, when they're coming out of their burrows and dens, looking for something to eat, and someone to make little turtles with.  Of course, they're crossing the roads, to look for those new loves.

So, why oh why, would anyone want to purposely run them over?  They're living, breathing animals.  If that were a rock in the road, the observant driver would try to AVOID the "rock" so as not to ruin a tire, or whatever.  So why does the turtle suffer?

I once talked to an old farmer who said he ran over turtles because they would get in his strawberry patch.  I was dumbfounded  A turtle, on the road possibly miles from his strawberry patch, deserved to be squished out of existence?  That made no sense at all.

Give 'em a break!!!

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