Tuesday, July 20, 2010

To Shower or Not To Shower

Okay, I'm hot and sweaty, from just coming in after mowing the lawn, with my PUSH mower, in 90 degree heat, but...Steve Wilkos is almost on.  I love to see people who are worse off, or maybe not, than I am.  Rather a voyeuristic attitude.   I guess since my own life seems so mundane, I enjoy other peoples' dramas.   I still wonder though, if some of these aren't staged.  I mean, how can you get on a plane from Nowheresville, to Connecticutt, to be on the Steve Wilkos show and not think something is afoot!   But then given the apparent mentality of the guests, this would be a stretch.  Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, no matter how they come by it.  Their name in lights, that's the ticket.  

Well...it's too boring, and predictable, so I showered during a commercial.  Nothing missed.  Of course this program is followed, on another channel, by Judge Joe Brown.  More drama.  I guess these shows are taking place of soap operas.  I think I need a job, before I find the only conversation I can have is with other people who have been watching these shows, and can commiserate on the guests.  EEEEKKKKK!!!

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