Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beer cans in the wilderness...

Okay, we (the hubby and I) went hiking this weekend.   We went to a place we had not been before; a rather unspoiled hike down a path in the national forest.  When I say "unspoiled" I mean, no motor vehicle tracks, no tracks of any kind.   BUT, there were signs that others had used that trail.  They left beer cans like Hansel and Gretel left bread crumbs.  Now it seems every time we go on a hike, anywhere, there are beer cans, NEVER soda cans, only beer cans.   Can't we go anywhere without taking beer with us?  Should we put more of a tariff on beer, like a deposit of $.05/can?  I'm not anti-beer, but leave it at home!!! 

And for all you Chevy truck haters/lovers, they may have a tendency to rust around the wheel wells, but the beds never seem to rust!  We also found a chevy truck bed, on our hike, that had obviously been there for quite a while, and the paint still looked pretty good.  I guess we could say it's now "habitat" for some of the forest creatures.

So if you're walking around in the great outdoors, leave the car parts, and the beer at home.  Bring a water bottle you can strap to your belt.  You can always put something other than water in the bottle.  As the saying goes "...leave nothing but footprints!"

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