Wednesday, May 4, 2011

$800 Bernese Mountain Dog puppies...

...was how the ad read in the local newspaper. 

The reason I bring this up is because I have an acquaintance who is with the "Bernese Mountain Dog Rescue!"   There are rescues all over the US like this, for purebred, unwanted, dogs.   Any breed! 

If you want one of these dogs, and you have done your homework, and know what they require as to care, then go to a rescue, or go directly to the pound, as that's where she rescues from!  You get a dog for a fraction of the price, usually already spayed, neutered, housebroken, socialized, etc, etc.  The only thing you don't get would be papers, but were you really thinking of breeding that dog anyway?  Or showing that dog?  And just because someone found another person (dumb enough) to buy a dog at such an inflated price, doesn't mean you'll be so lucky with your own litter.

 Save a life, and save your sanity when you find you do not have to go through the chewing stage, and your Jimmy Choo shoes are safe!

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