Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Crunching the numbers...

When I bought my car, a 1998 Pontiac Grand Am, I filled it up once a week, and it cost me about $16.00.  Today, if I were to fill it up, it would cost me over $45.00.  During that time my income went up a bit, but not to the tune of an extra $30/week, and then it went away completely, as I'm now unemployed.

I've always tried to drive cars that got at least 25/mpg.    There are more efficient cars out there now for sale, but since I'm unemployed, how do I make those car payments?   It's a slippery slope that many of us cannot get up and appear to be sliding back faster.

Wish I had some answers to life's everyday problems.    Maybe I'll declare myself a 501-3c non-profit organization (I already feel like one) and take public donations!  Better than denigrating myself to collect "welfare!"

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