Monday, April 25, 2011

Ark building 2011- or -Turn Around, Don't Drown!

I don't know if this has been the wettest week in recent history, but the creeks have "a risen" and they're getting higher.  The TV announcer just said the dam gates have been opened so the local Army Corp of Engineer lakes don't get too far out of their banks.  Some places have recorded up to 10 inches on rain in a day.  And we're expecting rain every day this week.

We live a mile from the Finley River, and the bridge becomes impassible.  Actually the bridge is above the water, but the approach to the bridge is WAY impassable!  I took these pictures a couple years ago.  There are signs and barricades up now, but the last time it got this bad, I did have pictures of a pick-up truck that was swept away, and got caught up in a tree, lucky for the driver. The river's edge is tree-lined, and there's a bit of a valley before the river, so the truck wound up in rather shallow water, and they were not dragged down the river itself, which could have had dire consequences.

If you look closely, you can see the road to the bridge in the top middle of the picture.  There's a lot of water between me and the bridge.   

One phrase the weathermen have come up with in this area, as flooded roads can be all too common in the ozarks, is:  Turn Around, Don't Drown!  I guess only 6 inches of water can sweep you and or your car can send you downstream, and you never know how deep the water is going to get.  And it's very hard to open doors or windows in water, along with the fact that the electronics may not work, and you wouldn't even be able to open them manually.

And if you must stay home, it's a good time to do laundry, or clean, or just curl up and read a good book!!!

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